Sire:  Wicani the Noble Touch for Bermajo
Dam:  Sylps Salina at Bellcot
DOB:  19 November 2009









Shane is a lovely blue merle rough collie.  His colouring is the best and he looks just like a blue merle should look.  Throughout Shane's first year in the show ring he qualified for Crufts 3 times (2010).  In May 2010 we attended a small Companion show where he was placed 1st in Puppy at Cambridge, and went on to get Best Puppy at the East Midlands show.  He also got 1st place in Puppy at the East Anglian Collie Association in October and 1st in Novice at the London Collie show.  Shane has qualified for CRUFTS every year since he was a puppy.

227xxIn 2011 Shane gained 1st place in Graduate at Great Yarmouth show and was also declared Best of Breed (BOB).

At the Chelmsford show shane got BOB in Any Variety Pastoral class.

In May, Shane passed his KC Good Citizen Bronze Award at the National Dog Show.

In July at Windsor Championship Dog Show he was placed in the Yearling class and qualified for Crufts 2012.

 Other 1sts that he has achieved :

Peterborough DCS show and awarded Reserve Best of Breed (RBOB)

East Midlands show achieved RBOB

Richmond Championship Dog show in Yearling class

Sheringham DCS show AV Post graduate

Kensington DCS in Graduate class and RBOB

Great Yarmouth in Graduate class

Isle of Ely

Newmarket in Graduate class and BOB

EACA in Special Awards Post Graduate

London Collie Club

London & Provincial Championship show in Post Graduate (judged by Rod Slater)

Shane has also been placed well in other shows that he has attended.


Here Shane is pictured with a glass trophy he won at Twinstead Companion show for the Most Handsomest Dog beating approx. 20 dogs of all varieties, how true.


1st place at L&P show in Limit class (judged by Adrian Milligan)

1st place at Sheringham in Open class and also placed 1st in the GCDS stakes class beating about 14 dogs of all varieties and winning prize money.

2nd at EACA in Limit class.

2nd at London Collie Club (judged by Tina May)

2nd at Midland Collie Club (judged by Mr Keith Starkey)

We started taking Shane to fewer shows from now on as we were taking the girls out and he was approaching 7yrs.

2016:  Southern Counties champ show 2nd in Open and 1st in GCDS (judged by Mr Ralf Campbell of Norway),  East of England champ show 2nd Limit class, 1st Open class (judged by Mrs A Flint), EACA 2nd in Limit.

2017:   At East of England championship show under Judge Sue Bird Shane was placed 2nd in Open and 1st in Veteran classes.  He was also awarded BVD.

A few critiques from over the years

Newmarket DCS Open show 19/06/2016 Judge: Barry Denyer

Adams & Carlyon’s Bellcot Winter Bliszard At Dycoshem (Rough Collie). 6 year old merle male. Lovely expression with chiselled features and correct planes to skull and muzzle. Good length of upper arm. Maintained his topline both standing and on the move. Strong hock joints, which seemed to be something of a rarity. Moved well.

Sheringham DCS open show 20/09/15 Judge: Angela Smith

GCDS Stakes 1st (14) Adams’ Bellcot Winter Bliszard at Dycoshem, Rough collie in excellent condition, well proportioned, balanced head & eye, level topline, nicely groomed, moved well when encouraged by his handler.

Southern Counties CH show June 2016 Judge: Ralf Campbell

Bellcot Winter Bliszard at Dycoshem masculine b/m of pleasing overall shape with ears well set & carried. Well moulded croup & correctly carried tail. Excellent colour. Compared to 1 his hind action could have more drive & be more parallel seen from rear.

East Anglian Collie Association October 2016 Judge: Jan Milligan

Blue merle of good size and substance, Head is clean with a flat skull and well filled foreface, ears a little wide set. Good length of neck, held topline well on the move.

Midland Collie club December 2015 Judge: K Starkey

Bellcot Winter Bliszard at Dycoshem. b/m very masculine head with dark eye, good clear colour, a little too tall for my taste, moved well

East Anglian Collie Association October 2015 Judge: Tracey Jackson

Carlyon & Adams’ Bellcot Winter Bliszard at Dycoshem. Very masculine male of good type. Correct blue colouring well broken up in straight fitting jacket. Very attentive to handler, shown well. Too strong in head for me, ears low set & breaking forward by half spoiling expression. Very flat skull but a little deep through. Moved enthusiastically but weak rear end.

EACA Oct 2014 - Judge B Denyer

SAC (5/1) 1st - 4 year old merle lad. Best mover in the class. Good head shape with perfectly set and colour of eye. Blunted wedge shape to head. Appropriate depth and length of chest. Well feathered front legs. Would prefer a little more angulation at the front but rear was acceptable.

Newmarket Open show June 2014 Judge: Brenda Piears

  1. Adams and Carlyon’s Bellcot Winter Bliszard. Masculine blue merle boy with lovely colouring, good angulation and clean wedge head. Ears a bit heavy but won this class on his better skull and movement. BOB

Gt Yarmouth Open show 2012 Judge: Lynn Dumbrell

  1. Adams and Carlyon’s Bellcot Winter Bliszard, b/m dog with correct tan markings, well proportioned head, good neck & nice front, ribs well sprung & good length with strength over the loin.

Kensington CS show October 2010 Judge: Dr L Boyle (Barrenclough)

Adams & Carlyon Bellcot Winter Bliszard, 11 months b/m dog of nice colour and size, with good bone and good reach of neck. I would prefer a slightly more oblique eye and closer ear carriage, but altogether a nice type. Moved well but preferred stance of 1. Should make an impressive adult.






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